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Entries for tag "artificial-intelligence"
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Legal analytics and cognitive computing technology has evolved significantly over the past decade, and this is likely to accelerate over the coming years. This technology has transformed the legal industry and now provides the legal professional with insights like never before. The legal professional must prepare to leverage an augmented capability that will vastly enhance speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness of their legal research and ultimately, the acquisition of knowledge.

The AI Revolution is already here. It’s happening in all sectors; in law, finance, regulation, insurance, property, education, medicine, retail, hospitality and more. Our professional and personal lives will not be immune from the challenges and opportunities which AI has already brought and will continue to bring at a rapid rate. Change is inevitable and adjusting to it will be the constant. If re-imagining and re-inventing how we flex to this AI world is not on our agenda then business and life, as we know it, is going to get challenging.