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What is Juta Passmasters?
Juta Passmasters is the digital home of textbook support materials available at https://passmasters.juta.co.za. These academic resources are free to lecturers who prescribe Juta selected textbooks in print, ebook or enhanced ebook format. Resources may include PowerPoint® slides, interactive workbooks, online question banks, videos covering core concepts, additional case studies and solutions. Refer to the register as a lecturer topic for the steps to register.
What system requirements would you need to access the online courses or LMS?
- You will need a reliable internet connection to complete the courses successfully.
- We recommend that you use Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) to view the contents of the website.
- Most computers already have all the necessary software to use all Juta Passmasters’ features.
- We recommend that you install the latest Adobe Flash version if you do not have it already installed. You can download the latest Adobe Flash for free at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
How do I register as a lecturer on Juta Passmasters?
NOTE: The Juta Sales Consultant for your institution will verify your request to lecturer resources before it can be approved. This may take up to 2 working days.
To download a 'How to Register As A Lecturer' user guide in PDF, click here.
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