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What system requirements would you need to access the CompliNEWS CPD quiz assessment portal on Juta Passmasters?
- You will need a reliable internet connection to complete the courses successfully.
- We recommend that you use Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) to view the contents of the website.
- Most computers already have all the necessary software to use all Juta Passmasters features.
- We recommend that you install the latest Adobe Flash version if you do not have it already installed. You can download the latest Adobe Flash for free at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
How do I log in to the CompliNEWS CPD portal?
- Go to http://jutacomplinews.co.za
- Ensure you are logged into your CompliNEWS dashboard using your My Juta credentials.
- Click on the My CompliNEWS link on the left menu and click the Access MCQ Quiz Assessments button.
- You will be directed to the Juta Passmasters web page.
- Enter the email address you use on the CompliNEWS website and your password.
- If you are a first-time user of the CPD tool, your password will be “changeme”.
- You will be prompted to change your password, when logging in for the first time. Complete the form and click Save Changes.
- Click Continue once your password has successfully been changed.
How do I complete a CompliNEWS CPD quiz and download a certificate?
- Login to the CPD tool: https://passmasters.juta.co.za/
- Click on the Access Resources button to access the monthly quizzes.
- Select the quiz for the month you would like to take by clicking on Launch.
- Complete the quiz by selecting the correct answer for each multiple-choice question.
- Click Finish Attempt in the bottom right of the screen once you have answered all the questions.
- Click Submit All and Finish.
- Confirm that you want to Submit All and Finish by clicking Submit All and Finish again.
- Your mark for the attempt will appear at the top of the screen out of 100. If you achieved 80% or 80 out 100 you will be issued with a certificate. If not, you can reattempt the quiz until the required result is achieved.
Downloading a CompliNEWS CPD certificate
- Click on My Books at the top of the screen.
- Click on Access Resources.
- Click Launch for the certificate for the month of the quiz you completed.
- Click Download Certificate.
- Save the PDF certificate onto your device for submission or proof as required.
Can trial users of CompliNEWS access the CPD tool?
CPD assessments are only available for CompliNEWS paying subscribers.
Why does my CompliNEWS CPD certificate say “Not Available”?
You will only be able to download your certificate once you have achieved 80% for your quiz. When you get 80% the button will change to “Launch”.
How many attempts do I get to pass A CompliNEWS CPD quiz?
You have unlimited attempts for each quiz.
I am not a member of CSIA or FPI. Can I still do the CompliNEWS CPD assessments?
If you are not a member of CSIA or FPI you can still do the FPI assessments and receive your certificate from them.
CompliNEWS Technical Support and Enquiries
Telephone: +27 (0)21 659 2300
E-mail: info@jutacomplinews.co.za
Kagiso Tiso & Kagiso Media Fraud Hotline: 0800 21 25 83