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Legislation Service, Juta: Magistrates' Courts Act/Wet op Landdroshowe

Legislation Service, Juta: Magistrates' Courts Act/Wet op Landdroshowe

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


South African Sheriffs’ Guide, The: Practice and Procedure

South African Sheriffs’ Guide, The: Practice and Procedure

R1,005.00 arrow_forward_ios


Jones & Buckle: The Civil Practice of the Magistrates - Volume 1: The Act
Print Currently Out of Stock.

Jones & Buckle: The Civil Practice of the Magistrates - Volume 1: The Act

R2,537.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Superior Courts Act / Wet op Hoër Howe
Print Currently Out of Stock.

Legislation Service, Juta: Superior Courts Act / Wet op Hoër Howe

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Herbstein and Van Winsen - The Civil Practice of the Superior Courts of South Africa
Print Currently Out of Stock.

Herbstein and Van Winsen - The Civil Practice of the Superior Courts of South Africa

R3,641.00 arrow_forward_ios


Pollak: The South African Law of Jurisdiction

Pollak: The South African Law of Jurisdiction

R1,254.00 arrow_forward_ios
