Pandemics and Healthcare: Principles, Processes and Practice
Print ISBN: 9781485131748
Print ISBN: 9781485131748
Product Details:
Year Published:
1st Edition
Print | Soft Cover
About this publication
It became clear soon after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, that not much was known about the management of pandemics in the current healthcare context. This topic had previously received little to no attention in health sciences and other training curricula.
As the Covid-19 pandemic evolves, many critical issues arise impacting on teaching, learning, and healthcare delivery through the spectrum of primary to quaternary care, public health and the social determinants of health. This peer-reviewed volume brings together many of the lessons learnt from the outset of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in an attempt to equip pandemic planning and prevention programmes as we move into the future. The book has brought together a total of 56 authors with expertise in medicine, health care, social sciences, health economics, ethics and the law to share their experiences and directions as we reposition ourselves into the years to follow. It has been edited by eminent leaders in their disciplines.
Interest / Benefit to
Academics, researchers, students in training, both at under and postgraduate levels in the health sciences, legal professionals and social scientists including economists.