Page 44 - index
P. 44

• Preface
• The basic structure and the
methodology of the argument
• Why rethinking the foundations of South African constitutional law is
• How rethinking our understanding
of the self and the social services a
better constitutional theory
• A theory of the self: Consciousness and radically heterogeneous selves
as feedback mechanisms
• A theory of the social: Constraint,
friction and change
• A theory of the constitutional:
Experimental constitutionalism
• Experimental constitutionalism in
South Africa: Institutions and doctrines
• Experimental constitutionalism in South Africa: The evolution of law and policy in Housing and Education
• Flourishing and fundamental rights under the South African Constitution
• Tweaking doctrine: Constitutional court cases revisited and revised
• Coda
• Bibliography: Books, articles,
chapters and reports
• Constitutions and covenants –
• Legislation, regulations and policy
documents – national • Table of cases
• Glossary
• Subject matter index
 Professor Stu Woolman, Elizabeth Bradley Chair of Ethics, Governance and Sustainable Development, University of the Witwatersrand, is Editor-in-Chief and primary author of the four volume treatise, Constitutional Law of South Africa. His other publications range from articles and chapters on constitutional law, legal theory, education policy, sustainable development, HIV/ AIDS law and policy, intellectual property and the relationship between business and human rights to monographs, collections and collaborations that include, amongst others, The Constitution in the Classroom: Law and Education in South Africa, 1994 – 2008; Constitutional Conversations; The Business of Sustainable Development in Africa: Human Rights, Partnerships & Alternative Business Models; The Dignity.
Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa; and Is This Seat Taken? Conversations at the Bar, the Bench and the Academy about the South African Constitution. Professor Woolman is also Academic Director of the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights & International Law and Managing Editor of the Constitutional Court Review. .

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