Page 81 - The Corporate Report Pack
P. 81
Note to Contributors
Journal articles
CE Arono  & JL Ward ‘Run the business like a business’ (1995) 83:11 Nation’s Business 49-51.
•  e author’s full name appears on the  rst occasion that his or her article is mentioned and should be given exactly as he or she gives it. For subsequent references to the same article, only the surname is required.
• Note that there is no comma a er the author’s surname.
•  e title of the article is placed inside single quotation marks.
•  e title should be in plain/roman text.
• Minimum capitalisation applies.
•  e year of publication is placed in parentheses
a er the title and is not italicised.
•  e volume number follows (not in italics),
followed by the issue number (if applicable).
• Note that a non-spaced colon separates the volume
number and the issue number.
•  e title of the journal is written out in full, in italics.
•  e number of the  rst page of the article is then
given, followed by, if applicable, the speci c page number(s) to which the author has referred.
Newspaper articles
Penelope Mashego ‘Steel makers and unions to ask state for help with job cuts’ Business Day (Cape Town 13 August 2015).
•  e author’s full name, if mentioned, should on the  rst occasion that it appears be given in full exactly as the author gives it.
•  e title of the article is placed inside single quotation marks.  e title should be in plain/ roman text.
• Minimum capitalisation applies.
•  e title of the newspaper follows, in italics.
•  e place and date of publication appears in
parentheses. No punctuation marks are needed.
Internet material
Genevieve Quintal ‘Amcu preparing for the “mother of all struggles”’, available at  (accessed 13 August 2015).
•  e author’s full name should on the  rst occasion that it appears be given in full exactly as the
author gives it.
•  e title of the article is placed within single quotation marks, in plain/roman text.
• Minimum capitalisation applies.
•  e Internet address follows and is placed within
angle brackets (< >).
•  e date on which the website was accessed appears
in parentheses at the end of the citation.
SAICA ‘Integrated  inking: An exploratory survey, 2015’, available at  (accessed 13 August 2015).
• If an organisation rather than an individual is responsible for the article, the same formatting applies.
• Where it is common practice to use the abbreviated form of an organisation’s name, the relevant abbreviation or acronym may be given rather than the full title.
 e author of a manuscript accepted for publication must please supply a biography of between 100 and 300 words, detailing his or her academic and professional quali cations, professional a liations and designation, as well as a photograph.
All material to be considered for publication should be sent to the publisher:
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