Page 41 - The Corporate Report Pack
P. 41
Business through a new lens
Question: How concerned are you about the following potential economic, policy, social and environmental threats to your organisation’s growth prospects?
These respondents stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’.
Climate change and environmental damage
Supply chain disruption
Geopolitical uncertainty
High or volatile energy costs
Lack of trust in business
Shift in consumer spending and behaviours
Cyber threats
Exchange rate volatility
52% 55%
Availability of key skills
Figure 2: Key threats to business growth
Social instability
Increasing tax burden
Government response to  scal de cit and debt burden
exists going unnoticed, and therefore unquanti ed, increasing any exposure to risk?  is is one area that is di cult to control or predict, but has signi cant impact, both direct and indirect (the impact of others’ actions has a knock-on e ect too). Again, it reinforces how interconnected business is with and dependent on society and the environment.
Engaging with governments to achieve common goals
Business and government have a close relationship. Taxes need to be paid, regulation needs to be complied with, contracts need to be secured and a licence to operate needs to be maintained. It’s about a two-way dialogue with government looking to sustain a thriving society and achieve economic growth, and business wanting to stay in business and remain competitive. We’re seeing a government appetite for change come through in the Global Goals and Paris Agreement, but governments have a lot more on their agenda now too.
Question: Which three of the following outcomes do you think should be priorities for business to help deliver in the country in which you are based?
These respondents stated ‘reduced environmental impacts’.
Question: How concerned are you about the threat of climate change and environmental damage to your organisation’s growth prospects?
These respondents stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’.
Question: To what extent are you making changes in response to changing stakeholder expectations in how you minimise social and environmental impacts of your business operations?
North America
Western Europe
Asia Paci c
Latin America CEE
Middle East
Reducing environmental impacts should be a priority for business to deliver CEOs concerned about climate change and environmental damage CEOs who are making changes to minimise their social and environmental impacts
Figure 3: Environment is a concern, not a priority
The Corporate Report 7

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