Page 35 - The Corporate Report Pack
P. 35
Note from the Editor-in-Chief
In this issue we have given the reader articles on novel but important concepts.
Jill Atkins has become our new columnist in place of Colen Garrow. Colen’s columns have been focused on the economy whilst Jill will focus on corporate issues generally. In her  rst column she deals with the issue that with key ecological risks relating to the extinction of species, integrated reporting will become more and more important.
Jayne Mammatt has written on business being looked at through a new lens on the basis that business is dependent on society for its customers, employees and reputation and on the environment for its natural assets that it uses in the production of its products.
Matthew Lester has questioned Friedman’s statement about the sole purpose of business being the making of pro t without deception or fraud. He suggests that today the answers come from the people in the equation of people, planet and pro t.
Gail Gibson poses the question, “How risky is your business?” She deals with the culture of risk on the basis that all participants in an organisation should accept or deal with the question of risk.
Michael Judin has demonstrated that the King Code has become an integral and important part of South Africa’s common law.
Grant Wilkinson has a peek into the future of what is to come from King IV. He writes that King IV will take a stakeholder inclusive approach which broadens the vision of corporate governance.  is article is particularly interesting because  eresa May, the new UK Prime Minister, has said that Britain needs to move away from a shareholder-centric governance model to an inclusive stakeholder model.
Wayne Poggenpoel has a critical look at public sector ine ciencies and debates whether they are here to stay or whether mechanisms are being found to overcome their current operational ine ciencies.
It will be seen that the articles are varied but instructive for the business person.  e journal has again achieved its objective of keeping the business person more informed about the corporate landscape.
Mervyn E King SC Editor-in-Chief
The Corporate Report vii

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