Page 6 - SURVIVAL_KIT2016
P. 6
Below is a list of helpful tips to enable you to create a healthy learning environment:
Remove all distractions from your place of study, for example cell phone, TV, radio, etc.
Before you start a study session, set out everything you need: notes, textbooks, dictionary, pens, paper, and a kitchen timer or alarm clock (see the section ‘Dealing with procrastination’). You can also keep a plastic bottle of water at hand if you get thirsty. This will prevent you from going to the kitchen in the middle of your study session.
Try to make sure you are not constantly interrupted.
Your place of study should be quiet.
Don’t surround yourself with temptations that will distract you from studying. This includes computers, games, cell phones and food.
Make sure you have enough space at your study area.
Make sure you have a comfortable chair that supports your back.
You should be studying in good light.
You need to feel comfortable in your place of study so that you are not tempted to escape and take too many breaks.

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