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Legislation Service, Juta: Criminal Law - Sexual Offences/Strafreg - Seksuele Misdrywe

Legislation Service, Juta: Criminal Law - Sexual Offences/Strafreg - Seksuele Misdrywe

R1,026.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Labour Law - Sectoral Determinations
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Legislation Service, Juta: Labour Law - Sectoral Determinations

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council Consolidated Agreements (MEIBC)
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Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council Consolidated Agreements (MEIBC)

R1,241.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Magistrates' Courts Act/Wet op Landdroshowe

Legislation Service, Juta: Magistrates' Courts Act/Wet op Landdroshowe

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Liquor Legislation of South Africa, The

Legislation Service, Juta: Liquor Legislation of South Africa, The

R1,115.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Sectional Titles, Schemes Management & Ombud Service / Wetgewingsdiens, Juta: Deeltitels

Legislation Service, Juta: Sectional Titles, Schemes Management & Ombud Service / Wetgewingsdiens, Juta: Deeltitels

R1,026.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Family Law: Volume II – Marriages & Unions, Parts A & B / Huwelike & Verbintenisse, Dele A & B
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Legislation Service, Juta: Family Law: Volume II – Marriages & Unions, Parts A & B / Huwelike & Verbintenisse, Dele A & B

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Superior Courts Act / Wet op Hoër Howe
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Legislation Service, Juta: Superior Courts Act / Wet op Hoër Howe

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Family Law: Volume I - Children, Parts A & B/Familiereg: Volume I : Kinders, Dele A & B
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Legislation Service, Juta: Family Law: Volume I - Children, Parts A & B/Familiereg: Volume I : Kinders, Dele A & B

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Road Traffic Legislation/Padverkeerswetgewing

Road Traffic Legislation/Padverkeerswetgewing

R3,040.00 arrow_forward_ios


Motor Industry Bargaining Council Consolidated Agreements (MIBCO)
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Motor Industry Bargaining Council Consolidated Agreements (MIBCO)

R1,475.00 arrow_forward_ios


Provincial Legislation Service, Juta's: Eastern Cape

Provincial Legislation Service, Juta's: Eastern Cape

R5,228.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Criminal Law - Criminal Procedure & Child Justice / Strafreg - Strafproses

Legislation Service, Juta: Criminal Law - Criminal Procedure & Child Justice / Strafreg - Strafproses

R1,203.00 arrow_forward_ios


Legislation Service, Juta: Deeds Registries Act / Registrasie van Aktes Wet

Legislation Service, Juta: Deeds Registries Act / Registrasie van Aktes Wet

R1,026.00 arrow_forward_ios


Provincial Legislation Service, Juta's: Western Cape
Print Currently Out of Stock.

Provincial Legislation Service, Juta's: Western Cape

R6,013.00 arrow_forward_ios
